We Are Lutheran…
Martin Luther leaves us a legacy rooted in the Reformation that describes us as “Simul Justus et Peccator” or “simultaneously saint and sinner.” We are people living by grace and mercy in the presence of God. We trust in the promise that we are saved by grace through faith alone apart from works. We are set free by the Gospel to work for justice, care for creation, and proclaim the gospel message.
We Are Christian…
We are a church that professes the theology of the cross that Christ came into this world, put on flesh, died, and rose again. We trust that Christ is reconciling all people to Christ’s self through the work of building the new kingdom which is both here in the present while also being ever in the future. That is a basic tenet of our understanding of the Gospel. However, we are not an island. Our church as a whole is connected and involved within the diverse Christian community through ecumenical relationships and service work.
We Are Diverse…
It is hard to put us in a box. As a congregation we recognize the dignity and worth of every human being. We love and celebrate those who worship with us no matter who they are or where they come from. In a world that is constantly trying to put us into a box we want you to know that there is a place for you here!