Service is a big part of who we are at First Lutheran Church. We have multiple opportunities through our congregation for you and your family to take part in. We live out the Gospel together through our work in our local community!
Christmas Baskets
Before Christmas the members of First Lutheran took 26 baskets to the Salvation Army for distribution to needy local families. Besides food, we included a colorful handmade Christmas card signed by our members. It read: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We’re praying that 2018 is a better year for your family. Join us at worship. Everyone welcome. Casual dress. Services at 6:00 pm Wednesday (after the potluck supper at 5:30) and at 8:00 am and 10:30 am Sunday. Love, Your Friends at First Lutheran Church. We pray the same for everyone who reads this.
Christmas Bazaar, Bake Sale and Luncheon
The Service Committee’s annual fundraiser, a Christmas bazaar, bake sale, and luncheon, was a big success, raising hundred of dollars for Salvation Army Christmas baskets and other charities the FLC congregation supports. This gathering at the start of Advent ignites our Christmas spirit.
Many members worked hard for this event. The Fellowship Committee prepared lunch, others baked cookies, and more people contributed items to sell at the bazaar tables. The Youth of the church earned money for their projects by selling fair trade coffee and chocolate. Other vendors offered handmade jewelry, embroidered sweatshirts, artwork, pottery, and plants.
We took leftover baked goods and more to the Springfield Cancer Center for a caroling party. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Mitten Tree
The wooden tree returned to our Fellowship Hall this winter for donations of mittens, hats, scarves, sweatshirts, and also socks. Our generous members filled it to overflowing to help the needy in our community stay warm. We passed along clothing to children at local elementary schools, Interfaith Hospitality Network, the Springfield Soup Kitchen, and other appropriate charities. Thanks to everyone who shared the gift of warmth!
Quilts, Health and School Kits for the Needy
All year the quilters at First Lutheran Church create beautiful blankets to send to the needy all over the world. In late summer the service committee asks the congregation to give specific items like combs, lightweight towels, and bars of soap so we can make health kits for the needy. We also compile school kits, placing supplies such as pencils, sharpeners, and erasers into new bookbags.
This fall we achieved our ambitious goal of 68 health kits and 100 school kits, thanks to the generosity and hard work of First Lutheran members. Two Thrivent Action Teams led by Nancy and Don Pyles enabled us to make so many health and school kits. At the last minute our inventory revealed we were short of spiral notebooks (we needed 400) and writing pens (we needed 500). Members rushed out on Sunday to buy more!
After the second service on God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday, about 20 First Lutheran members gathered in the basement to pack over 100 quilts and put health and school kits together. With so many helpers on the assembly line (see photo), we finished in less than two hours. We distributed extra health and school supplies locally.
The quilters have already started sewing for next time!
Eating to Help the Homeless
Twice a year the Interfaith Hospitality Network holds a delicious fundraiser at First Lutheran Church. This photo shows a few of the church members who helped with the most recent lasagna dinner. Members of the First Lutheran congregation joined the team from IHN to set up, serve and clean afterwards. As always, it was an amazing feast with homemade lasagna, a huge salad bar, and many, many desserts.
The fall IHN lasagna dinner was a great success with approximately 200 people fed and food leftover. We hope to see you at the IHN soup supper at First Lutheran in March!